Saturday, 27 June 2015

Keeping the creative juices flowing

No matter how good of a writer you may be, if you're a freelancer, you're bound to hit a dry spell. Projects, if plentiful in March may be non-existent come April. It's important to remember that a sudden drop in work is okay - as long as you're smart about how you go about filling the void.

If you're new to the freelance game and wondering how to turn a dry spell into a period of productivity, consider some of the following tips.

I know it sounds crazy, but to a new writer, working pro bono not only allows you to build up your network and your portfolio, it helps to keep you writing in a professional capacity. Don't look at it as giving something away for nothing. If anything, writing for free helps you to hone your craft in the early stages of your career for companies and organizations that you'll be able to leverage at a later date. When the opportunities start knocking, you'll be glad you've got plenty of great content to show potential clients.

When the work slows to a crawl, there is no better time in your career to figure out which industries you'd like to write for on a regular basis. Obviously, a good freelance writer can write great content for any industry, but do yourself a favor; figure out where your interests lie and learn all you can about that particular field. While it might be appealing to write about a wide range of topics, becoming specialized in a handful of industries can make you an often sought out hot commodity in the freelance writing world.

Obviously, connecting with paying clients will be your ultimate goal, but don't forget about connecting with other writers. Platforms like LinkedIn and Google+ are rife with communities populated by professional and amateur writers eager to share their success stories and nightmare tales. Joining these communities can help you to get a better understand what it's like to be a freelance writer, but doing so can also help you land paying gigs.

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